Not quite the great value we had in Spain last year, but most you will save significantly more dosh on transport there and back than the slightly higher cost of accommodation. (and we will get better food!)
Just like the 2012-2017 EMM, we will be taking a per participant deposit as opposed to taking the full amount in advance. The hotel deposit is €50. per person which guarantees your hotel room. Next, there is a €5.00 admin charge to take care of all the banking charges, set-up costs and other things that creep in when running an event like this.
So the total cost to register per person will be €55.00.
Pricing details:
Room Prices- Half Board
- Single Half Board €85. per night (€255.00. for the 3 days per person)
- Double Half Board €70 per night per person (€210.00 for the 3 days per person)
Deposit and Fees
- The deposit will be €50. per person which guarantees the hotel. This €50 deposit will be applied you your room and you will settle the balance of your hotel bill directly with the hotel on your departure
- A €5.00 administration charge will be taken at registration, this charge is NON-refundable
Refund policy:
The refund policy is the same as last year, allowing for full hotel deposit refund if you notify us at least 30 days before the start of the event.
Until 16/5/2018- 100% - €5.00 Admin charge per person (Refund total=€50.00)
After 16/05/2018- No refund
Other Information:
- All Payments will be taken in Euros by credit or debit card
- Credit card transactions will be processed by Instant Access Int. Limited
- If you are registering for a double or a double room- please let us know who you will be sharing with in the notes field in the registration
- If you are scheduled to arrive on the Sunday June 16th and do not show up by 23.00, your room will be cancelled for the rest of the event unless you let us know
- If you want to arrive early or leave late- just contact the hotel directly and they should be able to accommodate you on the same pricing if you tell them you are part of the EMM group. Their email is [email protected]