
Timmesljoch keffs99 Hot

Written by keffs99     July 23, 2015    
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Via Moso, 34, 39015 St. Leonhard in Passeier, Bolzano, Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

Strada Statale 241, 38039 Vigo di Fassa Trentino, Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

Trip Total

routes transits total
time 2h:50m 0h:00m 0h:00m
distance 162.9km
  • 87.3km (54.3mi)
  • 1h:35m
  • *mountains*
  • Toll road

Timmelsjoch/ Passo del Rombo- 44b/186 4.7/5


  • Via Moso, 34, 39015 St. Leonhard in Passeier, Bolzano, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
  • Ötztal Straße, 6430, Austria
  • Austria
  • Tyrol
Latitude 46.8177253 47.2304939
Longitude 11.2359149 10.8551426


The Timmelsjoch is a high Alpine pass that creates a link through the Ötztal Alps along the border between Austria and Italy. It's elevation is 2,474 m or 8,117 ft

In our view this is one of the must ride roads in the Alps. It is a toll road, €12 for Motorcycles (2014), but worth the money. If you are in Italy, and just want to ride the pass, you can ride down to the toll booth and back without the toll.

If you are starting on the Italian side, the road is quite narrow and provides for some very good practice for tight hairpins. Surface is generally good, but passing down in the forest is very limited.

Once you clear the tree line, things get a bit easier if for no other reason than you can see what’s coming at you.

A the top, there is a short tunnel over to the Austrian side of the world, but before you go through we would suggest a final Italian coffee at the buvette just at the tunnel entrance. Great coffee and even better views down the valley. Just stunning!

Once you clear the tunnel, you set off down a stunning ribbon of road along the top of the world. We were there in mid-June, and it still looked like Christmas. The Austrian side of the pass is a completely different experience; wider road with good surface for the majority of the road.

The further you go down the valley, the more the road opens up into fast sweepers all the way down the valley. But, once you pass Solden, traffic increases and you do find speed cameras in some of the villages.

We rate this a medium difficultly route as some of the hairpins on the south ramp are very tight.

  • 63.4km (39.4mi)
  • 0h:59m
  • *mountains*

Passo di Pénnes, Penser Joch (SS508) 4.0/5


  • Passeggiata Sant'Osvaldo, 39100 Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
  • Via Giovo, 39049 Sterzing, South Tyrol, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Latitude 46.51257 46.89081
Longitude 11.35046 11.43668


Passo di Pénnes is a 2211 meter pass in South Tyrol, northern Italy, near the Jaufenpass. It connects Bolzanovia the Sarntal and with Sterzing in the Wipptal. It is the most direct road between Innsbruck and Bolzano for those who do not want to take the Austostrada. This route can be ridden either way, but it is best to ride the Passo di Pénnes from the south, in the morning if possible where the sun stand is low and the shadows transform the valley into a high-contrast picture scenery. If you take the route from Bolzano, you will pass the famous Runkelstein castle, which sits on a steep rock in the middle of the canyon entry in a rocky landscape.


The road follows north the Torrente river in hundreds of curves and interspersed with rock tunnels up to the summit. From here the road continues valley upward until you reach a high alpine plateau.. Approaching the village Sarntheim (ital. Sarentino) the valley opens up to a another small plateau. This country side is almost barren. At the end of the Sarntal valley, the pass road takes a light right curve and bends into the Pensertal valley where it gains now above the timber line at height. The road surface is supurb, the curves clear and even the hairpins are easy. This is what riding a bike is all about!


At the summit there is restaurant/guest house that offers local specialities at fair prices and you can enjoy a superb views back down Pensertal valley and the Eisacktal valley on the north. Most of the north ramp down to Vipiteno is tree lined with good surface with a fair number of overtaking opportunities. At Vipiteno you can head left either across the Jaufenpass or the Brennero pass, or take a right into the Eisacktal back to Bolzano or take a left down the road in the Eisacktal valley at Waidbruck towards the central Dolomites. Decisions, decisions! We rate this an easy route.

  • 12.2km (7.6mi)
  • 0h:15m
  • *mountains*

Dolomite Transit Route 3.4/5


  • Strada Statale N. 48, 38032 Canazei Trentino, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
  • Strada Statale 241, 38039 Vigo di Fassa Trentino, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Latitude 46.47677 46.42083
Longitude 11.77045 11.67492


Great Sweeping corners though a high Dolomite valley. Takes you down to the Trentino valley form It is because, based on Gural, it'll cost you the best casino online jobs in addition to harm a equine racing industry that's casino pa natet already spinning from permitting gamblers to wager on equine races online. the Dolomite magic circuit. Can get crowded during peak times.

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