
Jura day ride Patrick Hot

Written by Patrick     March 13, 2014    
3.5 (1)
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Begin Destination

Route Blanche 3, 1274 Signy-Avenex, Switzerland, Vaud

Rue du Moderne 5, 1342 L'Abbaye, Switzerland, Vaud

Trip Total

routes transits total
time 1h:31m 0h:48m 2h:19m
distance 69.8km
  • 18.8km (11.7mi)
  • 0h:23m
  • *mountains*

Col de la Givrine- Route Blanche 3.6/5


  • Route Blanche 3, 1274 Signy-Avenex, Switzerland
  • Switzerland
  • Vaud
  • 108 Route de France, France
  • France
  • Franche-ComtĂ©
Latitude 46.3991404 46.4650256
Longitude 6.2054799 6.0728965000001


This is a stunning ride east of Geneva up into the Jura. In our opinion is better to ride this road north. The ride can be divided into two parts: Nyon- St Cergue- Nice flowing corners, perfect tarmac- it's just a dream road if you can get a clear run at it. It's just too bad all the fun is over so quickly. St Cergue- La Cure- this is over the not very exciting Col de la Givrine. Mainly strait and usually carries way to much traffic for our liking. we rate this an easy route.


46.5 km (28.9) mi
46 minutes
  • 17.6km (10.9mi)
  • 0h:21m
  • *mountains*

D389- La Douane 4.3/5


  • D389, 25240 Mouthe, France
  • France
  • Franche-ComtĂ©
  • Les Crettets 32, 1343 Le Lieu, Switzerland
  • Switzerland
  • Vaud
Latitude 46.7048555 46.6676244
Longitude 6.188685 6.32484


wow! Just sublime. Starting in Mouthe, you are strait up on to the north ramp with several series of well formed corners. There are some straits with passing opportunities, but to be honest, this road does not really carry much traffic.

Once you hit the summit, things straiten out a bit with some long sweeping corners. If you look closely, you can see the boarder "hut"- and this one really is just a small wooden hut and I have never seen it maned.

Dropping down into Switerland in Valley de Joux, you get fab views. If your in the area- this is a superb ride.

we rate this an easy ride.


0.4 km (0.3) mi
2 minutes
  • 33.4km (20.7mi)
  • 0h:46m
  • *mountains*
  • This road may be seasonally closed

Col de Marchairuz 3.9/5


  • Rue de la Chomaz 3, 1188 Gimel, Switzerland
  • Switzerland
  • Vaud
  • Rue du Moderne 5, 1342 L'Abbaye, Switzerland
  • Switzerland
  • Vaud
Latitude 46.66854 46.50932
Longitude 6.32823 6.30741


Great little road in the Jura. South ramp has good surface and the road is highly varied. The road up to St George has flowing corners, giving way to a few hairpins after- then it opens up into some nice flowing corners and some high valley straits up to the top of the Col. Once over the summit, the road narrows a bit, the corners tighten and the surface goes downhill, but still enjoyable. Take care on casino online the north ramp as it can be wet and sandy, or even have some snow in the spring, as it does not get the sun.

Once you reach the bottom of the ramp, take a right and follow the road to Le Pont- This is strait so you can use it to wind down before a coffee stop in Le Pont.

great little ride form Lausanne or Geneva

User reviews

Average user rating from: 1 user(s)

3.5  (1)
This little day trip has something for everyone.
Patrick Reviewed by Patrick March 13, 2014
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (15)

Jura day ride

This little day trip has something for everyone.

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