
Dobbiaco day ride to Austria Patrick Hot
Written by Patrick     December 15, 2013    
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Via Pusteria, 39034 Toblach, Bolzano, Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

39034 Dobbiaco Bolzano, Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol

Trip Total

routes transits total
time 2h:30m 3h:37m 6h:07m
distance 144.8km

Custom waypoint


  • Via Pusteria, 39034 Toblach, Bolzano, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
  • Via Pusteria, 39034 Toblach, Bolzano, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Latitude 46.728718 46.728718
Longitude 12.2350837 12.2350837



86.5 km (53.7) mi
84 minutes
  • 45.7km (28.4mi)
  • 0h:41m
  • *mountains*

Grossglockner -B107 4.3/5


  • Pichldorfstraße 26, 5671 Pichl, Österreich
  • Austria
  • Salzburg
  • Untertauern, 9844, Österreich
  • Austria
  • Carinthia
Latitude 47.03862 47.27187
Longitude 12.86219 12.83266


The Grossglockner (2405m) is an expensive toll road €18 or €12 after 6pm. And they do NOT take credit-cards. But well worth the trip once. It IS a long road. The steeper north side had many cobble-stone hairpins but these have been all widened and resurfaced now, but the south side car racing car racing games mobile is online slots faster, finished by a relatively straight-forward stretch to Heiligenblut. While you're up there, take the turn-off to the Pasterze glacier, Austria's largest and wonder at the dirty-grey colour,and try and spot the top of the Grossglickner, Austria's highest mountain.. It's pretty high (2500m). Also try the little cobbled road up to the Edelweißspitze (7 really steep and bumpy hairpins - the view's good).


43.2 km (26.9) mi
40 minutes
  • 40.4km (25.1mi)
  • 0h:43m
  • *mountains*

Dientner Sattel -B164 4.4/5


  • Zeller Bundesstraße 1, 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, Österreich
  • Austria
  • Salzburg
  • Bahnhofstraße 17-19, 5500 Bischofshofen, Österreich
  • Austria
  • Salzburg
Latitude 47.41722 47.4274
Longitude 13.21862 12.84113


You have two routes from Saalfelden to Bischofshofen. The first, via Schwarzach is the main road. Very heavy traffic but well-kept surface and mostly fast sweepers. Use this only if you really have to, because the northern option - via the Dienten Sattel (1357m) is definitely the best bet and one of, if not the best, road around here. It's been more-or-less re-surfaced from end to end, with just a few yards of unevenness, and widened in a few places. Because it runs the same route as the main road B311/B159 it only really has a few touring campers on it. And bikes.

The road can be broken down into 3 main setions:

Bischofshofen - Mühlbach:
Excellent. the road runs trough a narrow gorge along a small river. The surface here is superb. It's about 9km and an absolute blinder of a stretch. I'd rate this section among my favourite bits, very similar to the Grein road near Linz and the Gorge d'l'Arly near Albertville. The first 2km through the gorge has been recently resurfaced and repaired. Only a little patchiogn and overbanding, nothing to worry about.
Mühlbach - Maria Alm:
A mixture of medium radius sweepers with real twisies with one or two easy hairpins. The scenery is thick woodland and alpine meadows ("The hills are alive...") with towering vertical mountainsides in the distance.
Maria Alm - Saalfelden:
Sweepers and straights. Lined with villages and holds no real surprises, not terribly exciting

This route also has the advantage of avoiding most of Bischofshofen, which is always a Good Thing.
Don't be put off by thinking the main road will be faster - I did the 46km (I admit I wasn't hanging around though) in 33 minutes, including stopping for a few piccies.

To make the best of this road, you should ride the Bischofshofen end, then turn left at Dienten and take the road down to Eschenau on the B311. It's twisty but a bit bumpy in patches - not enough to ruin the fun. If you're coming to or from the Grossglockner then this is the route to take.
[Closed between December and May]


85.6 km (53.2) mi
73 minutes
  • 58.7km (36.5mi)
  • 1h:05m
  • *mountains*

Staller Sattel -L25/ss49 4.0/5


  • Felbertauern Straße, 9981, Österreich
  • Austria
  • Tyrol
  • Strada Statale 49, 39030 Zona Artigianale Rasun di Sotto Südtirol, Italien
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Latitude 46.9318 46.77338
Longitude 12.58031 12.04244


From Austria, the Staller Sattel (2052m) takes you to within spitting-distance of the Dolomites. Used mostly by motorbikes and locals (and cows).
Beats the pants off going round via Toblach on the B100/ss49.
This is another pass that can be divided in to two halves, the very top is single-track and controlled by traffic-lights.
Open from the Austrian side from the top of the hour till 15mins past.
Open from the Italian side from the half hour to 15 mins to the hour.

The Austrian Side:
1] A long gradual climb La casino roulette propose deux types de paris. from the valley with only a few sweepers, and few central white lines;
2] then up a short but steep twisty section to the top. On the whole the surface is poor to bumpy with a few ohmigawd bits.
The Italian Side:
1] Very narrow, but short top section, hence the traffic lights but with a great surface all the way
2] The valley floor is mostly straights with some fast sweepers and wide meadows.


16.5 km (10.3) mi
21 minutes

Custom waypoint


  • 39034 Dobbiaco Bolzano, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
  • 39034 Dobbiaco Bolzano, Italy
  • Italy
  • Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Latitude 46.7355363 46.7355363
Longitude 12.2213768 12.2213768


Rout take in some of the Great Austrian routes including the The Grossglockner. If you are running late you can easily cut off the northern leg- the Dientner Sattel- but that would really be a shame..

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